Friday, August 28, 2015

Radiosurgery: Day 5

Hello Friends and Family,

Greetings from Durham, North Carolina! During my fifth treatment today, I thought a lot about the significance of the word "half." I tried to come up with as many halves as I could think of:
1/2 mile, 1/2 cup, 1/2 gallon, half b-day, 1/2 a dose, half the cost, 1/2 cheese-1/2 pepperoni, half & half, 1/2 caff, 1/2 marathon, 1/2 circle, 50%, half ass, 1/2 portion, half mast, 2\1, halfway there!

Sometimes half is just enough, but in my current situation, the second half is just as important as the first. My next five treatments won't be any easier, but reaching the midpoint is still a significant accomplishment! I'm happy this week's treatment regimen is over and the side effects have been minimal aside from digestive track discomfort. Compared to last time I received radiation, that's nothing! I've been eating well, gone on long walks, been out and about breathing fresh, humid air as much as possible.

My sweet mom, who went above and beyond this week, just departed and an old friend from my study abroad experience in college will come in for the weekend. It is so nice to have all of this amazing support. I also had a dear friend from my summer camping days visit for the night, and had lunch with family members who I haven't seen in decades. Suffice it to say, I feel the love. Next week, my BFF from high school will visit for a night then my "other half" comes in on Tuesday. I've heard some great stories from Erin this week regarding his Mr. Mom duties, and sounds like he has everything under control. I get the feeling the boys are loving their time without any girls around!

Thank you for your continued thoughts and prayers.

Love, Sareana