Monday, August 24, 2015

Radiosurgery: Day 1

Hello Friends and Family,

My mom and I have settled in nicely to our temporary digs. We are staying in an apartment complex that has both short and long-term rentals, which means we have our own kitchen plus a separate sleeping and hang-out space. We walked to Whole Foods to stock up our fridge with healthy items, but the only problem is I accidentally led us astray on the return trip, so we put some extra mileage on our shoes. Not such a bad thing except we were carrying lots of groceries in 80+ degree heat with high humidity. What an adventure already...we had a good laugh!

My first day of radiosurgery went smoothly. During the session I thought about the irony that I should begin cancer treatment in the very moment Alex was standing at the bus stop waiting to get picked up for his first day of school. This would have also been the exact same moment I would have welcomed students into my classroom for the first time at a different school on the other side of town. With my eyes closed, I could feel the energy and excitement that goes in to this special day for a child and a teacher. It was not a sad moment for me, but one of acceptance. I'm okay. This is where I need to be. Today, my job is to get 'er done! One down, nine to go...

Have a lovely week,