Saturday, September 5, 2015

Radio surgery: Day 10

Yesterday was a long, yet satisfying day. It started with my tenth and final radiation session. It felt pretty good afterwards to throw my mask in the garbage, although it might have felt even better to run it over with a car! I'm proud of achieving the next milestone on what can seem like, at times, an uphill battle. All things considered, I fared very well: no nausea, good appetite, slept well, no hair loss, minor fatigue. I believe one would still be unable to pick me out of a crowd as a cancer patient. However, frequenting the Duke Cancer Clinic on a daily basis for two weeks there are plenty of reminders as I looked around at the damage that cancer can do to those both young and old. It's a hard place to be for me, for anyone really because no one deserves to be there. One of the most pleasant conversations I overheard was between an older gentleman and a young college volunteer as they exited the shadows of the basement waiting area into the sun-filled atrium. The man asked the boy, "What are you studying?" The bright-eyed boy replied, "Biology, I hope to become a doctor someday." Yes, what a lofty and worthy goal, I thought to myself.

A few hours later, Erin and I departed for the airport for a 3 1/2 hour flight to Denver followed by an equally long drive to Eagle. We were greeted by my parents, but the boys had already gone to sleep. In the dark of their room I could still make out Alex and Dean's little chests rising and falling, and could hear the steady sound of their breathing. As I kissed them goodnight, I resisted the urge to wake them up and soak up all their love. I knew after many days apart, it wouldn't be long before they'd pile into bed with Erin and me in the morning shouting out their joy of having me back:) Priceless. And it's been like that all day. Lucky me! The pictures here are from the inaugural day celebration of the Children's Fishing Pond in Eagle, complete with free fishing rods for kids and cupcakes!

So, what's next for me to tackle on the cancer front? We are still anticipating the return of test results from molecular sub typing and genomic testing to find a suitable chemotherapy and/or targeted therapy regimen (hope to get those in the next two weeks or so). In the meantime, I will rest and recover from radiation as it has a cumulative effect. I am definitely feeling more lethargic today after ten treatments than I did after the first five, but that is to be expected. In addition, most doctors would not be in favor of beginning chemotherapy until 3-4 weeks after radiation is complete, so we're in a bit of a holding pattern for the time being.

Though it may sound redundant, I want to thank so many of you for sending love, strength, energy, thoughts, and prayers my way. I truly find courage in knowing you are out there taking the time to read my blog, thinking about what it might be like for my family and me to go through what we are going through, and wishing us well. The Pinson/Kelly family is a force to be reckoned with!
