Sunday, July 12, 2015

Sareana is recovering very well.  She slept pretty decent last night, far fewer interruptions here in a standard room than the first night in ICU.  She's been getting meds orally and via IV, and now she is easing off the IV stuff and hopefully will be on oral meds only from here on out.  From the neck down, her body is doing great-  we've been taking a few laps around the ward to get some exercise.  She is walking slowly but steadily.  Her neck is very stiff and sore, and her range of motion limited- this is to be expected, and should improve with time.  For now, she is trying to rest a bunch, and to get up and move a bit when she's not resting.  They may turn her loose and let us head home in another day or two.

You'll be happy to know that she is in every way herself- same sense of humor, positive attitude, all of her faculties are intact, etc.  So her brain still works, which is nice.  She's just sore and tired and medicated and uncomfortable and all the other stuff that comes after a big surgery.  

She is too tired to talk much or text/type- it may be awhile before she has the energy and the range of neck motion to do that sort of thing, but know that she appreciates all the well wishes and good thoughts. 
