Saturday, July 11, 2015

All signs are good

A quick update to let you know that Sareana is herself post-surgery.  Her functions are in tact and she's giving the right answers to all the test questions.  E.g. Doctor: "Do you know where you are?"  Sareana "I just had brain surgery." She's impressing everyone.  Managing a good amount of pain this weekend, which is expected, and should improve each day.

Meanwhile, the Kelly boys are just little angels. They only locked me out of the house once today - and when I came in the garage door, Dean was in the kitchen with a bottle Hershey's syrup pouring it into his mouth and had already added a dose to Alex's glass of water (btw, I was outside cleaning Dean's toilet, lest you think I was out there reading a book). That 's when I had to lay down the law - and they seemed to realize that I have some sisterly similarities to their Mom's rules.

Otherwise - we've been out eating ice cream, riding trolleys, building legos, riding bikes. They are clearly relieved that the tumor is out of their Mom's head. Dean had offered to get his tool box to take it out himself - so they were both very glad to hear that the docs had done their job.

Love to everyone.