Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Update from EK

I have some difficult news to share.  It’s been an extremely busy week and month for us.
Sareana had an MRI one month ago that showed 2 or 3 spots that the docs thought were possibly cancer or possibly something else, they weren’t certain.  She then had another MRI one week ago, which left no doubt that it is cancer and that it is growing very rapidly and in a different manner than it ever has before.  Previously, the cancer grew in the form of clearly defined masses.  This time, it has begun snaking and vining in multiple directions at once.  It is moving through the lining of her brain, her brain stem, and down into her spine, and doing so very quickly.  It is inoperable, and she has been given a terminal diagnosis. 
This has all come to light for us over the past week as she has been transferred from Vanderbilt Hospital in Tennessee to Providence Portland and now, finally,  back home.  She is cognitively doing ok but very, very tired and mostly sleeping.  Her balance, vision, and energy are all beginning to fail, and things are progressing very rapidly.  She is unable to talk on the phone or read texts and emails, so if there is anything you'd like to say to her or to our family, please send a letter or card, and we can read it to her as able. 

She is very happy to be home, and is more comfortable than I’ve seen her in a long time.
Thank you for all you do, I’ll give you an update when I can.