Friday, June 10, 2016

Summer is Here!

The past month or so has been action-packed. From a phenomenal two-week vacation in Hawaii, to fun-filled, end of the school year events in May, and the beginning of summer activities, we have been on the go! Our Hawaiian vacation was made possible by both sets of grandparents--it was actually their idea! They each took a week in Fort Collins to take care of the boys while we were gone. With the year that Erin and I have had, total rest and relaxation offered by the Big Island was dreamy. We enjoyed picture perfect sunsets, took daily naps, drank one or two Mai Tais, visited good friends in Hilo, and got plenty of Vitamin D and exercise. It was fabulous!!!

As soon as we returned from Hawaii, the reality our busy lives quickly set in. Alex turned 8 years-old, I took a whirlwind trip to Durham accompanied by my mom, all boys have been biking up a storm, we went on a Cub Scout camping trip, and Erin (as usual) has been working hard and flying aerobatics a time or two.

I am happy to report that my trip to Durham went well. My MRI was clean, which of course is always the hope. For better or worse, my mom got to experience first-hand the stress involved with having an MRI then waiting for the results. The moments that pass before the doctor comes into the room can seem like an eternity. When I’m in there, I’m just a few breaths away from hearing words that will offer a feeling of relief or a feeling of devastation. During my next visit in July, I will have an MRI in addition to a PET scan. The PET will monitor even more closely whether there is any sign of regrowth. 

Day-to-day chemotherapy in the form of a pill continues to go well. I look forward to being done with treatment in September. Over time, I’ve noticed I’m more fatigued and other quirky (yet common) symptoms have presented themselves such as tingling in my toes. It’s similar to the feeling of having your foot fall asleep, only mine never wakes up. I find myself complaining more often internally about not having any hair. This time of year, it would be nice to pull my hair back into a pony tail or just plain not have to wear a hat all the time. I’ve been bald since last October, and I just simply miss my hair. Oh well…turns out complaining doesn’t get me anywhere. Hair is just hair and Felicia (my wig) is doing a fine job. So, instead I’ll focus on what I do have, which is a fabulous summer to look forward to with my awesome family. Really-what more could I ask for?
