Tuesday, January 12, 2016

I Did It!

Less than a week out of my last cycle of chemo, I’m gaining energy daily and with each passing day I simply feel better, freer and more at ease than I’ve felt in a long time. Cycle four took the wind out of me again. It was unpleasant, but I made it through…I did it!

Seems obvious that exercising would help me with regaining strength, but it also helps my mental outlook. I depend on walks to clear my mind, release toxins from my body, and flood my heart with oxygen to lift me up inside and out. With the recent snowfall we’ve had in Fort Collins, the large park near our house has made for some supreme cross-country skiing conditions. So yesterday, Erin took me out on the ski tracks. You can see by the smile on my face in the picture below that I was happy, which doesn’t begin to describe how I really felt inside.

These two pictures show a stark contrast between where I was a week ago and where I am today. I’m proud of myself for persevering even when the going got rough. It has been a really long six months. What the next six months has in store, I will find out one day at a time. This journey is by no means over, but I feel really good about how far I’ve come and how well I’m doing. Today is a good day.

At the end of this month Erin and I return to Duke for an MRI and meeting with my neuro-oncologist. At that time I will learn more about next steps. Until then, know I am doing well and holding my head high.